Kamis, 15 September 2011

         Simple style 






It is me. many people talking about me. there is a good and some are bad but so I still be myself .. heard the saying people are encouraging me to get better again .. ameen :)

Senin, 12 September 2011

Are you the next ? 

After a long passage of time, between the motion changes muslim wedding dress again implicated. Tough opposition figure amid the storm, in fact rarely dragged into the political circle, but the problem will be seen clearly when the point of view would be shifted slightly to a foothold of understanding the dynamics of the process of cultural conversation. Now the stage is entering a new area of conversation, traction the world of fashion began to touch and he has a distinctive pattern of motion that is not less strong challenge, because he inspires the classic struggle between the call of faith and worldly temptations.

Philosophical concept based on Islamic dress has created a new demand on the world fashion. How to create a wedding dress appropriate to the required meaning, perfection in the application of a combination of the veil, shoes, scarf which sure to be an important element in the figure of the Muslim wedding dress.

The presence of Muslim wedding dress should be able to answer the charges against existence as a fashion that is not attractive and impractical. Creating interest in the Muslim wedding dress that makes people start thinking about trying to wear them without feeling "forced". We should also uncomfortable with the wedding dress parade which comes wrapped in flaming colors and pieces of clothing that "half-peek". Emphasis added only to the bride's dress without regard to the groom's outfit has created an imbalance, between revolution and evolution.
